Barbara Horejs, born 1976 in Vienna, is an archaeologist and expert on Prehistoric Archaeology in the area of Southeastern Europe, the Aegean and Anatolia She successfully managed various scientific large scale international projects. In her postdoctoral research and in the awarded ERC Starting Grant (2011)and START Prize (2010) as well as in her function as director of OREA, Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (since 2013), she combined her profound archaeological knowledge with theoretical and interdisciplinary approaches and showed her scientific management abilities to build up research groups and successful teams She supervised several pre- and post Doc projects on interregional connections between South Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Anatolia (DOC- and APART Fellowships and Marie Curie IF and ITN Fellowships).
Barbara is member of several Scientific Boards and Networks (e.g. GENOM Austria, ACDH, ARCANE) and in 2014 she received the Research Award of the City of Vienna for scientific achievements in the humanities.